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EF-12 Pilot

The 100% electric EF-12 Pilot provides market leading crew comfort and stability, whilst meeting the specific requirements of challenging pilot operations.


EF-12 Pilot

EF-12 Pilot (SD)

EF-12 Pilot (DD)




30 kt


25 kt


47 NM

*Performance figures are the maximum achievable dependent on variables including vessel specification, load, sea state and temperature.




32 kt


25 kt


45 NM

*Performance figures are the maximum achievable dependent on variables including vessel specification, load, sea state and temperature.

Rigorous Testing

Designed in consultation with pilot operators around the world to ensure the Artemis EF-12 Pilot can meet the highest standards of safety and performance.

We were delighted to undertake testing and validating our simulations of the Artemis EF-12 Pilot with our Artemis EF-12 Workboat with the support of the Port of Cork and Cork Pilots in Cork Harbour. We successfully conducted 15 ship contacts with 4 different vessel types ranging from 90m – 158 metres.

This was an essential part of our ongoing drive to ensure the Artemis EF-12 Pilot boat is optimised for safe and efficient pilot operations.

Key features

Analysis of the data collected during our research and testing in collaboration with Belfast Harbour, has indicated that the Artemis EF-12 Pilot will deliver significant cost savings over the expected lifespan of a vessel, prevent the release of CO2e in operation, and reduce the relative motions between pilot vessel and ship during pilot transfer, when compared to current pilot boats.

Pilot crew using the state of the art simulator screen and cabin


An image showing the console layout at the helm of the Artemis EF-12 Pilot electric hydrofoiling vessel. Showing the human machine interface (HMI) screens, wheel and other controls.
Excellent visibility

The large wheelhouse windows and ergonomic layout provide clear, all-round views, reducing blind spots, ensuring safe pilot transfers.

Fast charging

The Artemis EF-12 Pilot can be recharged in 1 hour

Pointing to telematics screen on the Artemis EF-12 Workboat
Vessel management

Custom 8-inch display designed for optimal use for the coxswain with both day and night modes to monitor and access critical information.

Journey for miles, charge in minutes

A true testament to innovation and sustainability, the Artemis EF-12 Pilot is 100% electric – powered by our revolutionary Artemis eFoiler® electric propulsion system.

With ultra-fast charging capability, a full charge can be achieved in less than 60 minutes, allowing for seamless and uninterrupted journeys. Requiring minimal servicing in contrast to conventional diesel engines, the ease of charging further solidifies the Artemis Technologies' commitment to efficiency and lower environmental impact.

Orange sun setting behind an offshore wind farm


Charting a course towards a more sustainable maritime future, we are committed to pioneering sustainable solutions that redefine the maritime industry and tackle the global climate challenge.

From developing vessels that produce zero emissions in operation to innovative design tools, our journey towards sustainability guides everything we do. Join us as we navigate towards cleaner seas and a brighter tomorrow.

Frequently asked questions

How does the Artemis EF-12 Pilot perform in rough weather?

Performance of the Artemis eFoiler® technology has been validated during sea trials in the Irish Sea against its gasoline displacement sistership. Energy efficiency, ride comfort and wake creation of the two vessels has been recorded whilst operating across a wide range of weather conditions.

Does a coxswain require additional training to drive the Artemis EF-12 Pilot?

While we advise all coxswains to familiarise themselves with new vessels, the Artemis EF-12 Pilot boat is easy to operate thanks to intuitive flight control and collision avoidance systems, ensuring precise slow speed manoeuvring and full control on the open water.

Our autopilot flight control system autonomously controls the ride height, roll and pitch of the craft, enabling the coxswain to focus on heading and speed during operation.

How does the Artemis EF-12 Pilot behave alongside a ship?

A major benefit during approach and contact with the ship is the stability afforded by the flight control system. This is achieved by the foils utilizing their control surfaces to provide active stabilization, providing a more stable platform for the Pilot and crew to safely complete their operation.

The flight control system continually worked to provide a stable platform and maintained a desired heel angle while alongside at speeds ranging from 6—14 knots.

Has the technology been tested?

Yes, safety and performance of our vessels is essential. We have worked with pilot boat operators, pilots and coxswains to understand their needs for pilot operations. We utilise advanced digital twin simulations in the design process and have successfully completed sea trials in Cork testing and validating our simulations of the Artemis EF-12 Pilot with our Artemis EF-12 Workboat. We were also able to gaining further insights and feedback from the end-users and operators of the vessel.

We successfully conducted 15 ship contacts with 4 different vessel types ranging from 90-158 metres. We demonstrated the 'break away' from the ship with no contact of the stern quarter including during serials where the ships were turning towards the pilot boat or creating a lee.

How stable is the Artemis EF-12 Pilot?

During sea trials, the Artemis EF-12 Workboat was able to foil through the pressure wave and close to the contact point at the ship. Dropping down into displacement mode there is no following wake created, ensuring safe and stable close quarter manoeuvres, enabling efficient operation.

How much does the Artemis EF-12 Pilot cost?

If you'd like to find out about the price of an Artemis EF-12 Pilot, please get in contact.

Our eFoiler® vessels

Empowering electric

If you're interested in the Artemis EF-12 Pilot, get in touch to find out more. Finance options are available.